About Us

Do I have to attend Westgate Chapel, or any church, to be a part of Westgate Chapel MOPS?
Nope. Westgate Chapel MOPS is open to anyone who wants to find friendship, encouragement, and resources in their mothering journey.

Is MOPS only for mothers with preschool-aged children?

MOPS is geared towards mothers of children ages birth thru kindergarten. Many of our mothers, however, also have older children, too. The onsite childcare program (MOPPETS) accommodates children ages nursery through kindergarten. Infants younger than 6 months may stay with their mothers during meetings.

What does a typical meeting look like?

Warm breakfast is always provided! Mothers sit at assigned tables of about 8 women. We host speakers who speak to a variety of issues relevant and important to mothers of young children. There is time after the speaker to discuss and share with the women sitting at the table.

Who do I sit with?

Moms are placed at tables where they sit for the year. These tables enable community among moms and provide a safe place for moms to find rest, encouragement, and friendships. Table groups (called Discussion Groups) also have Discussion Group Leaders who facilitate discussion time, as well as communicate with the group outside of meetings. Each table also has a Mentor Mom, a seasoned mother who graciously shares her time and offers encouragement to the mothers at her table. Mentor Moms hold babies, listen unconditionally, and give wisdom and perspective.

Is MOPS a Bible study?

No, Westgate Chapel MOPS is not a Bible study. We are faith-based and this belief is a part of our meetings. Our mission is aligned with that of MOPS International: to encourage, equip and develop every mother of preschoolers to realize her potential as a woman, mother and leader in the name of Jesus Christ. Therefore, our meeting time is spent providing respite, resources, and fellowship to mothers so that they can feel rejuvenated and prepared for the rewarding, but sometimes exhausting, work of being a mother.

For those moms wanting study the Bible with other moms, Westgate Chapel does have Bible Studies or Book Studies you can join. Please inquire if interested.

What kinds of speakers do you have?
We try our best to find speakers who will best address issues relevant to our moms. Past speakers have spoken on topics like marriage, parenting preschoolers, and mom-guilt. We also have practical topics like photography, organizing, and cooking. Each year's speakers are different and aim to reflect the needs of the group. 

How do I register?

It's simple, just click here

How much does Westgate Chapel MOPS cost?
The total cost for the entire year is $120. $24 is an annual registration fee to the International MOPS organization. Local dues are collected in the fall and the spring. 

Please don't let finances get in the way of joining something incredible. We have scholarships readily available. The scholarship application is included in the registration form or you can email us at: edmondsmops@gmail.com.

What do registration fees go towards?

The $24 registration fee to MOPS International registers you with the organization. You will receive a small welcome package, encouraging emails, and a magazine from MOPS International. Local dues pay for on-site childcare, speakers, craft supplies, MOPPETS supplies and decorations.  

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