Thursday, November 7, 2013

Journal Prompt #1

Remember those super cute journals we made for our first craft project? Well, we are going to start posting journal prompts to get your creative juices flowing to add some content to all those blank pages! Feel free to use the comment box on this post if you feel inclined to share what you've written! We would love it!

Journal Prompt #1:

What was a favorite fall memory or tradition as a child? How old were you when it happened?  For 5 minutes relive that memory or tradition through writing about it. Need help? Think of the sights, sounds, smells, tastes and feelings that go along with it. 

1 comment:

  1. One of my favorite things to do in the fall as a child was raking leaves in a big pile and making a "nest." My sisters and I would pretend to be baby birds, and our mom, of course, was the "mommy bird" who had to come and bring us worms to eat. We extended this dramatic play by striking out from the big leaf nest and learning how to fly or running back to the nest if we saw a dangerous animal like a cat. We'd make a big deal about making our leaf nest "just right." Then, of course, after you were done pretending to be a bird, you could mess up your nest and bury yourself in the leaves. When all of this play was done, there wasn't much of your body that wasn't covered in crumpled leaves, included your hair and inside your shoes.
